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Showing posts with label automobile-toxins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label automobile-toxins. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2011

There Can Be Dangerous Toxins In Automobiles

There Can Be Dangerous Toxins In Automobiles

Every day millions of people climb in their automobiles, along with small children and pets, to go shopping, to work or other destinations. In summer they turn on the air conditioning to cool the vehicle fast, in winter they crank up the heat to warm the car quickly. Windows are left closed to keep cool air or heat in. Little thought is given to the air quality inside the automobile, but that is a mistake. One or more people are closed in a small, confined space filled with plastics and chemically treated fabrics. Air conditioners and heaters are pumping air that may or may not be safe into the vehicle.

Recent studies have shown that there can be many harmful chemicals off gassing into the automobile. Chemicals used to treat fabrics to make them soil resistant or fire resistant in the vehicle off gas over time. Even more harmful gasses are released into the interior of the vehicle when cars are parked in the summer sun. Toxic chemicals are often used in the manufacturing of plastic car parts like steering wheels, dashboards, consoles and other interior trim. The heat and cold conditions the automobile is subjected to, cause off gassing over time. If a car is left closed up all the time there is nowhere for the bad air to go.

Some of the chemicals that can be found in the family automobile are asbestos, bisphenol (BPA), benzene, chlorine, PVC, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. Older, foreign and classic cars tend to have more of these dangerous chemicals especially in their parts like brakes, linings, clutches, etc. but new cars also have their share. Exposure over time to many of these chemicals can cause cancers like mesothelioma, nervous system damage, lung and breathing problems including asthma. Though we may not suffer these conditions now, it is wise to take a few precautions to protect ourselves.

There are some simple steps to limit the harmful chemical off gassing and air pollution inside the family automobile. Park in a garage or a shady spot whenever possible. Before getting in the vehicle open the door and let the car air out for a few minutes before entering. Once inside the car, open the windows for further airing out, and wait a few minutes to turn on the air conditioning. You can even find kits to test the air quality inside your vehicle. When purchasing a new automobile, do some research to find which manufacturers make the safest cars, with the least dangerous chemical use. Ask the auto dealership about the manufacturing process for the cars they sell, and if the manufacturer is taking steps to cut down on dangerous chemicals in the interior. When cleaning the interior of your automobile, use safe products that will not leave toxins in the air. Buy a safe car, keep it out of the heat and sun when possible and air it out before driving to keep you and your family healthier.
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